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  Patient Focused Care


At Washington County Hospital, we know that medical care is changing rapidly. But three important elements remain constant in our mission to provide you with very best medical treatment: outstanding quality of care, safety, and privacy. The current hospital site is quickly becoming obsolete, making quality, safety, and privacy more difficult everyday.
In a modern healthcare facility adjacent to the Robinwood Medical Center, we can continue to deliver quality patient care in a safer and more private environment for many years to come. Here’s why . . .

In the new regional medical center, all patient rooms will only be a few steps from the nurses station and a wireless, nurse-call system will connect you directly to your nurse or backup caregiver.

All of your medications will be bar coded before they are administered. Your nurse will match the medication with your patient identification and the drugs ordered for you to make sure you get the right medications at the right time in the right dose.

Much of your treatment will be done in your room so nursing staff won’t have to transport you as often to therapies or for other services. That means they will have more time to spend with you.

In the new facility, all imaging will be digital so your doctor can see your x-ray as soon as its taken - even from his office.

In the surgical suite, all operating tables will have high resolution computer screens so your surgeon can see your x-rays without leaving your side for a moment.

Your medicines and lab work will travel in a tube system from the pharmacy or the hospital lab directly to the nursing unit. Your medications will get to you faster and there will be quicker turn-around for important lab tests.

The new hospital will have a zoned access system so only authorized personnel will be admitted to specific patient care areas and other restricted parts of the building. Patients need privacy to share questions and concerns with their caregivers. You can’t get that in a semi-private room.

In the new hospital, all the 278 patient rooms will be single-patient rooms. Your examinations and treatment will be private. Your conversations with your doctor or other caregivers will remain confidential. Friends and family members can visit without disturbing others.

In the new hospital, patient care can be more family-centered. The patient rooms will have a window seat that pulls out into a bed so a family member can stay with you overnight.

When you are transported from your room for treatment or tests, you will move along a corridor that is closed to the public to protect your privacy.

Teams of doctors, other healthcare professionals, architects, and designers have planned this new hospital to bring the latest advances in medical care all together in one place for you and your family. And, we believe the best place for the new hospital is the Robinwood Medical Center.


© 2005
Washington County Hospital
251 East Antietam Street
Hagerstown, MD 21740
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